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Poster: L.A. Women Date: Dec 17, 2007 5:22pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Sirius Christmas

I was in a rental car with a couple of friends who dont "get" the dead, and generally wont take the time to try to. So one of them in the front is checking out all the channels ( we were stoked cuss none of us have satiliate radio) and she comes across the dead station.

So im thinking cool now I can dig some good tunes and they will be forced to bear witness to the deads mighty power.
but no, they were playing a show from 93 and it was a pathetically flat version of MNS... I was utterly embarassed and angered ( out of all thats out there, a show from 93?!). i tried to explain that it was there low point and a terrible representation of them but i dont think they were buying it.....

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Poster: not_your_typical_daydream Date: Dec 17, 2007 7:31pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Sirius Christmas

Well that's a bummer. Of all their shows, you get to hear a '93. That would have been a real tough sell on people who don't know much about the Dead.
More often than not, they do play good shows.